Honesty, sorry I didn't understand your post.
out of the box
is this still 'present truth'?
*** w79 3/1 18 faith in jehovah's victorious organization ***.
23 what, then, should be our position today?
Honesty, sorry I didn't understand your post.
out of the box
after meeting a wonderful fella who also is jw.
i've never felt this way about anyone before in my life.
the only thing is i don't know if its possible for us to have a stable relationship, as i am r.c, not actually i'm irish roman catholic which is a little bit "stricter".
I am confused. How old are you? And how old is the JW boy? Here is your first post:
After meeting a wonderful fella who also is JW. I've never felt this way about anyone before in my life. The only thing is i don't know if its possible for us to have a stable relationship
You mention MEETING a fella. Here is your last post where you say you love him:
I suppose I’m thinking straight as I’m upset. I love him or at least I think I do maybe it’s just lusting over someone I can’t have
I am concerned that you are not sure what love is yet. And you are willing to join a CULT to find out? Please rethink, LEARN TO BE STILL and THINK, don't act, don't DO anything, just think for a while. Sorry if I offended you, but this is SERIOUS business like the other posters are sounding the alarms for you!
out of the box
i was eating a sinful double order of biscuits/gravy when this sister i knew came up to my table.
as is usual with witness mentality, not a single word about the family or any other matter, just launched into "hubby and i were out by your house in service, stopped by but no one was home" then she tactlessly mentioned that she had not seen us around the hall for a while.
i told her we were not attending meetings any longer.
MidwichCuckoo, thanks for explanation! What about scones? I LOVE them!
In Nova Scotia they call our 'Lunch' Dinner and evening meal, Supper. So, if you are ever in Nova Scotia and asked over to Dinner, don't show up at 4 PM you'll miss it!
AK-Jeff, thanks for the sentiment about my start in this country. I didn't mean to complain. My dad is the reason we had it so tough, he decided to go on an alcoholic binge when we got here and kind of left us in trouble. We survived and built character for us. And we KNEW we really wanted to be here because we NEVER gave up to go back home. The US let us stay and that was a blessing. Imigrants have had it bad over the years, our story was not so bad. But, today... it's so different.
If you sensed a little hostility when I stated that about having to wait so long for help, is because of what I see this country GIVE away now, education, health care, housing! We spent our house down payment on surviving! We qualified for nothing! And, my dad was a US citizen! He never did come back and we made it, at least he got us into the US.
out of the box
after meeting a wonderful fella who also is jw.
i've never felt this way about anyone before in my life.
the only thing is i don't know if its possible for us to have a stable relationship, as i am r.c, not actually i'm irish roman catholic which is a little bit "stricter".
I will repeat undercover's post
First of all, he shouldn't even be dating you as dating for JWs is only allowed for those seeking to get married and JWs are warned to not marry out of the faith. The plus side of that is that maybe, just maybe, he's not so faithful and can be led away from the JWs. That is not an easy thing to do however. You won't be able to pull him away from them. He'll need to leave on his own free will
He either is using you to 'escape' and try life outside the borg especially if he was born into it. And if he was born into it, he knows no other life and with you holding his hand it will be easier. He needs a worldly girlfriend to have SEX with because the gals in his cong would end up telling their parents if he did it with them (you know conscience and all). So, you may be used.
If he plans to leave the borg, he needs years to get his life together and figure who HE is! How can he LOVE you when all his emotions, and love have already been pledged?
out of the box
here goes my stories: .
she looked up at all those stairs to the third floor!
she said she would do the first floor.
You bagged me not editing my post well enough!!! Sorry, When I wrote the story I thought another sister had gone with us, but then as I wrote it I remembered she didn't come. and I should have edited that part. Yes, I went out a few times with just one brother (married) and we worked very professionally together. This guy was lazy and wanted to go home. You see it was ONLY me, a nobody, so he didn't have to perform to the full extent.
We were in a normal neighborhood in the city! That is why it scared me a bit. The problem, I can see now I was acting meek and 'victim' like and looking at the floor and getting nervous. I should have looked at them in the eye and laughed along with them and pushed my way out of there. I fixed the post, I figured out how to edit my post after I post it!
out of the box
i was eating a sinful double order of biscuits/gravy when this sister i knew came up to my table.
as is usual with witness mentality, not a single word about the family or any other matter, just launched into "hubby and i were out by your house in service, stopped by but no one was home" then she tactlessly mentioned that she had not seen us around the hall for a while.
i told her we were not attending meetings any longer.
Wow, this was an interesting thread!
kgfreeperson I agree with what you wrote. I do the same. There was a time in my young life when food was not so plentiful. In those days imigrants to the US did not get welfare or free medical. You had to live here 6 months before anyone would talk to you. I still cry sometimes when I open a can of cold beans. The memory is so fresh of that hunger. I DO appreciate everyday I look in my pantry cupboard or fridge and see food! How lucky we are in this country to have so many super markets! But, no good if you have no $$!
AK Jeff, That sister who approached you at breakfast, I wonder was she trying to 'scold' you for not being at the meetings, or was she trying to 'get some of her time in'? I think she got confused because she felt she had to 'do' something, but her training didn't include this scenerio, so she just acted out 'something' totally inappropriate. The 'script' did not fit the situation. Clearly a sign that she was NOT thinking for herself! Even leaving the restaurant was a sign she didn't know how to react. You though were clearly not confused!
out of the box
here goes my stories: .
she looked up at all those stairs to the third floor!
she said she would do the first floor.
Here goes my stories:
Funniest: I was with a pregnant sister and we walked into a hallway. She looked up at all those stairs to the third floor! She said she would do the first floor. I had no problem climbing all the way to the top. I knocked on the door (mind you, I am now alone, and in my 20's) and a man came to the door in his robe. When I started talking, he smiled and unloosened his tie belt to his robe and before I knew what was going on, he opened his robe and he was naked!
I just giggled, turned my head and left. He said 'come back anytime'! I told the sister what happened, she was not amused! The elders did not understand why I was up there alone and why I thought it was funny! It was 'MY' fault it happened because I was young and attractive! My head went around in circles and I just was in a fog over that one for a while.
Scariest: I walked into a hallway (after a lecture about torture) of an apartment building (an old one with a small narrow hallway). I was alone, the MS that drove us out told me to do one side of the street and he did the other and would meet up with me. I was the only one that showed up that day for service besides him and he wanted to get home early. He had been a rough character in his day, so he was confrontational. I went to this hallway and 4 young men entered the hallway and decided to have 'fun' with the JW. Of course I identified myself right away, so they would KNOW I was a JW. I had pushed a couple of the doorbells and no answer. I was in the corner away from the door. They started to tease me about not letting me out and maybe doing something with me. I was so scared that I thought I would pass out. Just as one guy reached for me, one of the doors opened. They were friends of the guy who lived where I had just rung the doorbell. He took literature from the JWs all the time, so he didn't mind them coming to his door. He laughed and said 'leave her alone, she is cool'. And they all laughed and apologized to me and said 'it was all in good fun'! Of course after leaving the JWs I had NO fear and would speak up for myself, and NEVER go to a place behind doors by myself!
The brother came back to the car and said that 'someone had pulled a gun' on him during a heated argument! I said 'HEATED ARGUMENT?' I never went near this so called MS bro again! I told him what had happened to me and he laughed and said 'Jah would not have let anything happen to you, you're out in service'!!!!!
out of the box
i was and i am ever thankful to this board and all the wonderful members on it that have contributed to my freedom.
thankyou all so much and i think i might be becoming a jwd addict.
i love this board it is so helpful.
Just found this site one day. I put it in Favorites and visited here and there. Then one day a little while ago, I was organizing My Favorites on my computer and decided to see if the link still worked. This time I saw a few posts that interested me and sounded like me. So, I decided to give it a try and joined.
Thank you so much for this soap box opportunity to think and express what I had inside about JWs. I do not think of them any more. When I drive by a KH it does not look so special, infact the properties look a little let go to me. There is NOTHING inviting about the place. I don't even shutter like I used to.
I was not DF that I know of, I was one of those 'inactive' status for a long time so I could pop in and go to a meeting and some people would rush to talk to me even after 5 yrs or more. I only went to a meeting twice in 20 and some odd years. And, I could not see the value of it. So, I had a way back if I wanted it. But, I stayed away and had no desire for that life again. And being married to a worldly man now and living with him for 5 years before marriage (was petrified of marriage) should qualify me now for DF don't you think?
I think the worst part was the constant talking about being tortured for the truth. They would say to expect that we will be tortured by Satan. I used to have nightmares. It was like you had this great Eternal life to look forward to, but you must go through the hell fire first. So, I could not relax but had to keep 'awake' and ready for suffering that could happen anytime!
Thank you again. I do not know who started this board and who monitors it, but I do appreciate their efforts tremendously! There is more Christian love on this board (that I have seen and felt for only a couple of weeks) than I EVER saw as a JW for 9 years! I am humbled.
out of the box
last year i thought i would share my diligent notes and show what it was like at the core of the organization.. not this year.
for a learning experience, i decided to stray from the active ones and see what everyone else was doing during this convention.
perhaps this would be special since the whole theme of the dc was "godly obedience".
Thanks for sharing! We drove to a convention in Dallas, Texas from Mass. 26 years ago. We had rented a brand new Winnebego Itaska that we shared with another JW family. There were 5 kids and 4 adults in a camper that slept 8. We were so uncomfortable in the seats and crowding that we ended up in the camper in our shorts listening to the radio. The radio was clear, inside we heard so much reverberation and echo that I didn't understand 1/2 of what was being said! In the camper, we laid down and relaxed and snacked while listening. It was too much trouble to keep getting up with the little ones to go to the bathroom and back. In the camper the kids slept and we could relax enough to listen. And the literature, they were out by the time we got up to the where the books were distributed. We finally got one copy from someone back home when the cong ordered theirs and sold it in the bookstore.
And we moved to the end of the parking lot towards the end, and we did drive off early. That brand new Winnebego could not hold the A/C well in that 110 degree heat of July and it kept breaking down, so we had to miss some of the convention to wait for repairs. It was quite a 4 week trip we took!
out of the box
a couple i knew (now baptized jws, i brought them in) went to a lecture in weston, mass.
they loved the lecture about life and seeking a higher spiritual plain.
right after the lecture (body guards at the doors) they were encouraged to leave their cars in the (now dark, no lighting) parking lot.
I had heard that about the drug lacing thing but thought it was a rumor. My friends probably had some drug in their food cause they said they felt like zombies at one point.
Found this link that tells how he started:
Scary stuff when they mix with politics!!! JWs too...
out of the box